About Me

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

“My name is Eltahir Gotar and I am a graduate of the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Data Analytics Boot Camp in addition to holding a degree in chemical engineering from Penn State (Penn State). The boot camp was a rigorous and challenging program which provided hands-on experience in key skills such as Python, R, SQL, VBA, and JavaScript as well as visualization tools such as Tableau, D3, Plot.ly, Leaflet.js, and Matplotlib. I am able to efficiently utilize statistical software to analyze large data sets to extract insights and develop predictive models. Exceptional communication skills facilitate effective presentations of complex information to any audience.”


Covid-19 Virus

Covid-19 Infection Dashboard

An interactive dashboard showing monthly Covid-19 infection, numbers of death and recovery rates for all U.S.A States and Territories.

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a Hot Picture.

Are You Hot

This is a Machine Learning Project. We built a model to predict if a person is hot or not based on physical characteristics of celebrities from IMDb website "100 Most Beautiful People on the Planet!" and "Ugly Celebrities" lists.

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world map

World Weather Analysis

Visualization Dashboard Website Using Plots we've Created in a Past Project analyzing the weather for over 500 cities worldwide.

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a map.

Earthquake map

Leaflet Map showing up-to date Earthquakes around the world. Map uses updated Data from United States Geological Survey(USGS).

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Lord Of The Rings

ETL project. We explored the Lord of The Rings (LOTR) movie series and decided to build a postgresSQL DataBase that make it easy to access needed information about the movies, characters, chapters and dialogues.

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a Gun

Gun Laws Analysis

In this project we looked at gun laws and how effective they are in lowering gun's related deaths.

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